
Flowgraph Screenshot.
Flowgraph Screenshot.

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Flowgraph MGL

While you’re modeling the story, compare the definitions from the specification MGL file with the behavior of the modeling tool.

import "platform:/resource/info.scce.cinco.product.flowgraph/model/ExternalLibrary.ecore" as externalLibrary

graphModel FlowGraph {
	package info.scce.cinco.product.flowgraph
	nsURI "http://cinco.scce.info/product/flowgraph"
	iconPath "icons/FlowGraph.png"
	diagramExtension "flowgraph"

	attr EString as modelName

	@palette("Round Elements")
	node Start {
		// allow exactly one outgoing Transition
		outgoingEdges (Transition[1,1])

	@palette("Round Elements")
	node End{

		allow an arbitrary number (>0) of incoming edges

		the following would have been valid as well, meaning the same:
		  incomingEdges (*[1,*])

		incomingEdges (*[1,*])

	// use the "blueTextRectangle" as style and pass the attribute "text" as parameter
	@style(blueTextRectangle, "${name}")
	@palette("Rectangular Elements")
	node Activity {
		attr EString as name
		incomingEdges (*[1,*])
		outgoingEdges (LabeledTransition[1,*])

	@style(greenTextRectangle, "${activity.name}")
	node ExternalActivity {
		prime externalLibrary.ExternalActivity as activity
		incomingEdges (*[1,*])
		outgoingEdges (LabeledTransition[1,*])

	@style(greenTextRectangle, "${subFlowGraph.modelName}")
	node SubFlowGraph {
		prime this::FlowGraph as subFlowGraph
		incomingEdges (*[1,*])
		outgoingEdges (LabeledTransition[1,*])

	@style(swimlane, "${actor}")
	@palette("Rectangular Elements")
	container Swimlane {
		attr EString as actor
		attr EBoolean as foo
		containableElements (Start[1,1], Activity, End, ExternalActivity, SubFlowGraph)

	edge Transition {

	@style(labeledArrow, "${label}")
	edge LabeledTransition {
		attr EString as label